Every little thing matters. So does every dollar.
Customers who meet the requirements of our Parts Inventory Management Program can benefit in several ways. With this unique program, it is possible to lower the amount of money tied up in inventory; lower physical space taken up by large bulk parts; and benefit from high volume pricing.

How our parts inventory management works.
Upon qualifying, you give R&H a blanket order for 12-months. We will then produce the machined parts and put them on the shelf, ready to be shipped per your release schedule. If you need the parts sooner than the release schedule calls for, we can usually ship immediately. Or, if the situation is reversed, you can back the order up to a later date.
R&H has developed its own software program to help you gauge highs and lows, and will work with you to match your production schedule.
You get the advantage of high volume pricing while not having to carry inventory on your books, as well as order flexibility. For a little icing on the cake, you also get custom labeling per your requirements.